亚洲AV激情无码专区在线播放-国产精品欧美日韩中字一区二区-99re 在线观看免费高清无码视频-美女咪咪无遮挡精品一区二区三区
Home Product Foreign distribution products ibidi Custom-Specific Flow Slides and Channels
Custom-Specific Flow Slides and Channels



Specifications :box

Introduction:μ-Slides with custom-specific channel geometry and height Develop your own geometry. If you are interested in a custom-specific solution please contact us directly.


Create channels with your own particular characteristics

Use as a microfluidic workbench

Cell culture flow applications

Technical Features:

Format and material based on μ-Slides

Additional materials possible, like glass coverslips, silicone designs, permeable membranes, or electrodes

Channel height and widths available in different dimensions

2 x 3 Luer adapters in fixed positions

Several Possible Variations

Developed Format

μ-Slide III 3in1


AdaptersFemale Luer
Volume per reservoir60 μl
Height of channels0.05 - 0.6 mm
Width of channels0.1 - 10 mm

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亚洲AV激情无码专区在线播放-国产精品欧美日韩中字一区二区-99re 在线观看免费高清无码视频-美女咪咪无遮挡精品一区二区三区